Project Enduring Pride

Project Enduring Pride (PEP) is a community based outreach program that works with and assists the severely wounded/disabled warriors returning from combat tours abroad and now being treated and recuperating at Military Medical Centers and Veterans Administrations Hospitals in the Washington, Richmond or Baltimore areas.
Project Enduring Pride (PEP) volunteers witnessed the winding down from the Nation’s long war-footing in Afghanistan and the wounded warrior population begins to drop down to a near peacetime range remaining linked to accidents, illnesses, training incidents and yes, some combat, we see the opportunity to go beyond the mere helping warriors survive to one of creating a new and become a member of a reorganized support community. We look back on our mission statement of being a "community outreach program that works with and assists the severely wounded warriors returning from combat." More so today we have energized an “Alumni Program” of wounded and disabled warriors to maintain contact with many whom have passed through the military medical system and now out of service living in the mid-Atlantic area. While looking to improve its program support PEP teamed with NY Fire Department’s Family Support, with the Air Force Association Activities in its effort to help warriors in its area of responsibility.